Ask The Mountie
The trusty Mountie answers your questions:
The Mountie might answer you straight away, or he might go away and ponder for a while, but he always replies with the profound wisdom one can only truly expect from a Mountie
The most recent Questions:
What does the phrase "proud of the ground" mean?
What's the correct name for your high brown boots?
Should I Tell Her Or Just Lez Be Friends?
Why is Good Friday called Good Friday?
What does it mean when he doesn't call back?
Is it true that you can have oral sex with a anteater?
Mountie, are you homosexual?
I find cyber sex to be a painful experience
What am I doing now?
Which Super-hero would you send to stop a meteor shower?
What would you do if a bald Irishman tried to sell you a stolen swan in the month of May?
how did you become so damn knowledgable?
Is the hokey pokey really what its all about?
What would happen to a blowfish in outer space?
Did Michael Landon have childern and where was burry at?
I am absess with caucasion male feet
Are mothers better than fathers?
How do I get the stain out?
I am afraid to ask her
In four words,what is life?
How do you draw people because I am really stuck?
How can i find a girlfriend?
Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
What is the path to enlightenment?
What is my name?
Why did cargo pants become so popular?
how do you spell length?
How do I know if I'm gay?
Why am I an hour late?
Please can you help me with my A-levels
I am absess with caucasion male feet
Smart and single?
Which do you like better: chocolate or vanilla?
Will Bob Freeman ever be famous?
Can horses kiss donkeys?
Are my parents now my birth parents?
Can you get my daughter on Letterman?
Why do riders generally mount from the left ?
How do you pronounce Arachibutyrophobia?
What is a mountain oyster?
why am i feeling this way?
Give me why man is better than woman
Will I ever get my website finished?
Where did the phrase da bomb come from?
How can we unite the population?
What else can i use to become luky
Why do we live in the Milky Way?
How come the Mounties at Buckingham Palace are not mounted in anything?
l think my wife has been abducted by aliens?
Is my boss lying?
Why am I up all night reading other peoples questions?
What does the word 'takete' mean?
What is your favorite breakfast food?
Why is there air?
how do you tell a child about growing old?
Why is there no verb to denote that we are telling the truth?
Is the mounted police adequately prepared in case zombies attack Canada?
Will michael ever fall in love with me?
What causes bigger foreheads?
Why does lint collect in my belly button?
How do i (an American Female) become a mountie?
What is the absorption rate of a dry sponge?
Why do my Canadian men lack size?
What is the most ruthlessly efficient way?
Do you have anything easier?
Where do hippies come from?
Are flip flops very popular in your Town or your Country?
Where do I go on the internet?
I want to take a lead and mature with woman
How do you spell bologne?
How much does our lecturer cost to give us a first?
Do mounties have to work rotating shifts?
what's my name?
Why are you called Mounties?
I'm sexy?
What's the correct name for your high brown boots?
How do we let my annoying friend down easily?
How many transexuals have penis?
Why is my boss a git?
What are your thoughts on Spandex?
Have you ever seen Santa Claus in the far north?
Please tell me where my hairpin is
Are you ever subjected to the "doppler effect" while horse-riding on duty?
What's the average amount of toilet paper?
What your favorite TV show??
Is it normal, my attraction to male feet?
How big is the biggest dog in the world?
What is the name for a term such as 'take a mulligan'
What's the easiest way to get a girl to like you?
Boxers or Briefs?
Is "Sexual Beauties" Curt's favorite website?
Is it true - If you don't know - don't ask ?
How are homosexuals made?
How can I avoid a holiday with my wife and child?
What is the meaning of life?
What is the first horror novel?
What is the best way to win a woman's heart?
How can I make my partner cum many times?
What's the most common forename?
How to spend $75 at the Oftalmological museum of Zimbawe?
Is the quality of mercy strained?
How did I get to be left-handed
I've got too many hours on my timetable
How to become lucky magically?
Bring me my bow of burning gold!
why is my penis hard when i see a pretty girl?
Who's the worlds heaviest dog?
Will Kathy ever marry me?
Why do birds suddenly appear?
Do you mount from the side or by coming up running from the rear?
Why are mounties so sombre in appearance and demeanour?
Why was my girlfriend fine in the morning?
Is it true that Condi Rice says "Hello girls" when she enters The White House?
Will I die of muscle wastage and the like?
What is a mountie?
Can a shark really leap out the water like in Jaws?
I'm a fan
Would you rather frolic naked through a virgin meadow or feast unendingly on the most succulent bagels in the land forever?
Eye contact - pro or con...
What is the likelihood of me becoming a Mountie
What is a question you always wished someone would ask?
What am i doing here?
Are you on drugs when you answer the questions?
Will I pass statics?
Where is your goat, Batisse IX?
Why do all women suck at giving hand jobs?
What about those tight fitting black pants and those mustaches?
Does canada accept political refugees from the usa? Bush is Stalin
Who will win the U.S. Presidential Election?
Do I have a legal case against Shreddies?
do we feel lucky?
How do you get the Sap from the Maple Tree?
How often do you update this site?
Is there a darker side to Canada?
Is it OK to marry a Mountie?
Why does a white plastic fork look like a satellite dish?
Is the USA idiotization a dangerous thing?
Who's the guy that tells us to wear red and pink this summer?
How can I get my question on Letterman?
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
do you use a mac or window?
Why are there more blondes in Queensland than Victoria?
Do you know the way to San Jose?
do you a girlfriend?
How much did the first light bulb cost?
What is your opinion on the very bad reputation of your Canadian Mounted Police?
What is the name of superman's dog.
Why are the French so much more annoying than your average people?
How can i get my girl to bring home a friend for a threesome?
What about the bug under my slipper...
How did Caravaggio die
Is it true the USA once attacked Canada?
Why have American yogurt companies reduced the size of the yogurt container?
Should i dump my boyfriend and go for my friend
Is this automated or no?
Why won't the United States annex Canada, even if militarily?
How can I confront my crush that I like him?
What is the consequences of population expolotion on the world?
How many kjs, and how much fat is in a walnut whip???
I was interested in the mountie of history. I hope you can help me.
Where did you get your infamous knowledge from and how can i achieve it as well?
How can I get pesky blood stains out of clothes?
Where is my car?
Why aren't there any hula dancers in Canada?
What is this thing happening to me???
Whats the difference between the fart and the shit?
Shall I move to Canada from England?
Which do you prefer, slinkies or koosh balls?
Dear customer service
How come mister wolf always new what time it was?
Where can I get more info on the Apparatus for Crushing Hafnium Crystal Bar Using Cryogenic Refrigerant Neon
I have been seeing a girl for close to 6 months now but have yet to meet her mother. Do you suspect foul play?
What was the biggest width of a dog's head ever recorded?
can horses talk to donkeys?
Where do hippies come from?
How do you pronounce the word "arachibutyrophobia"?
how do you draw?
Is it true that the moon has an effect on people?
Why do some people have foot fetishes...?
How can I keep my bat faced boss from coming around me and bothering me?
Why aren't there any realistic reality tv shows
has anybody ever died from smoking marijuana?
what 2 Western countries have the most dogs
When was Michael Landon born and what year did he die?
What is the meaning of the Norwegian name Tonje?
How long do lampost bulbs in Central Park last?
Why do we only ever see one face of the moon?
How can you forget a phone number?
What do rockbands do with tampons?
Am I better to go for the one eye or two eye binocular?
Why are my pants getting shorter?
For God's sake - how many pecks of pickled pepper DID Peter Piper pick?
am I totally wrong to ask my fiance not to have a bachellor party?
why is Leonardo Da Vinci's sketch called "Vitruvian Man"?
Why does the moon look big at the horizon, but small up in the sky?
Why are we experiening a global reccession?
Is it true that ones tastebuds change every few years
How does one balance time and money - is there a formula?
How long will it be until you answer this question?
Is maple syrup really made from maple leaves?
Why do people wear flip-flops on the subway?
Why did they name egypt like that?
What country is the oldest.
What is the most effective way to market my web site?
Which is better, a chicken or turkey?
Why do some lesbians prefer butch looking women?
Why do some girls observe the '3 day rule'
What is the correct mix of washing up liquid to water to get a good bubble blowing fluid?
if a man speaks in a forest and no woman is there to contradict him...
What's up with the banana? Is it from outter space?
How is a pile fabric produced?
I'm trying to find a listing of elvis jumpsuit manufacturers, can you help?
why do people like or dislike the taste or consistency of certain foods?
Which Is Better? Mac or PC?
Is it true that a woman knows how to pleasure another woman better than a man?
Should we hold Osborns stag do on 9th August or 16th August?
Is it true that the living today outnumber the dead?
Do you put out? Can I see a picture of you?
Are there any other uses for licorace besides eating it?
Please tell me, where do babies come from?
How do you pronounce tapir?
Could you explain why Little House on the Prairie had a clown as rapist episode?
Could God make a hypothetical question even he couldn't answer?
If we cant smoke marajuana is it okay to bake it into brownies?
Where did the phrase "Da bomb" come from? Who started this, yo?
Where can I get a hold of a Service Manual for an Epson c60?
Which is better? Palm OS or PocketPC devices?
What is the heaviest dog on record?
When i think of the 80's the first thing to pop in my head is Molly Ringwald. What do you think of?
What were the odds that a guy named Lou Gehrig caught a disease called "Lou Gehrig's Disease"?
How did you get your job? Does it pay well? Are they looking for anyone?
Why do you have to write the city & state AND the zip code on your mail?
Where is somewhere over the rainbow?
Is it true that fast food places drop every piece of food on the floor, and then give it to poor innocent unsuspecting customers?
How come all the people in my area die in alphabetical order
What is the average word count for a full lenght novel?
I have just moved from NYC to San Diego, why can't they just be happy for me?
Could you please tell me how to get to 'la-la land' for a short break?
*Why* do you pronounce Takete?
Why do people stop at the top of the stirs and block the way for all others?
How do you pronounce takete?
I saw a completely black squirrel today. Is this a sign of the coming apocalypse?
Have Walnut Whips and Curly Wurlies got smaller over the years?
Are there more people named Olson or Olsen in the world?
Why is it that every time a new car is introduced I'm enthusiastic about it?
Why not skip Life and go straight to heaven after Birth?
I am a troubled designer, what should I do?
How come you're so wise, Mountie?
Without getting religious on me, is there an afterlife?
Why do some people suffer from "Stigmata" phenonemon?
If we really did go to the moon, why can't they show us the LEM?
Why do mothers make better parents than fathers?
Why do people refer machines, country and objects as feminine?
Is Pluto a planet or a moon?
What is the biggest mythical beast? And what is it's name & characteristics.
Why is the universe is flat? and not spherical?
I have an uncle who swears by the insulating qualities of his seaweed vest
I seem to have accidentally folded time. Please Help.
Why are most tennis-balls yellow?
Could you tell me at what temperature sand becomes glass?
Please can you tell me why Pennsylvania is know as The Keystone State.
Chinese proverb "there is not cure/medicine for the DUMB." Is this true?
What is the most effective way to kill and avoid mosquito bites?
Whats the average number of feathers a sparrow has on each wing?
How many drinks does it take to 'turn' a cute straight lad gay for a few hours?
Which is better, pepsi or coke?
Is it true that the elephant is the only animal with four (count 'em) knees?
How many shareholders do the hilton group have and what is a recent share price?
Oh mountie.... what is love ?
Does the human soul exist or is it a Darwinian self delusion ?
I am looking for a evergreen tree, suitable for Hong Kong's sub-tropical climate and has red-orange leaves.
I want to run All New World of Lemmings on my 1ghz PC
What is the biggest structure ever built from 'Lego' bricks? How big was it? What was it? And who built it?
Why are the stars in the sky so far apart?
My mother says if I loose a tooth the 'Tooth Fairy' would lift my pillow and exchange the said extraction with coinage!