This week Uncle Tweed has been looking at fun homepages.
One, part of the Kmart scandal that shoock the world in 1996, The other more benign:
Rod Fournier is a guy who likes people with a sense of humor. He has made a fun page called leaving Kmart without a webmaster. This is what the news said:
“A programmer at the Troy, Mich.-based Kmart was dismissed after adding a hypertext link to his personal Web site on the company’s official Web site he was assigned to update. Kmart fired Rob Fournier for violating its Standards of Business Conduct Policy. Adding to the company executives’ ire, Fournier’s personal page was linked to an image intended for mature viewers. Fournier was so angry about his dismissal that he immediately created a Web site that featured his personal opinions of Kmart, with the goal of telling the Internet community his story. In the first three days of operation, the site had more than 1000 hits.”
The Rod Furnier Fun Home Page boasts a large gray button that states:
“Now you can be notified when The Rod Fournier Fun Home Page is updated!” The last update was on Sunday, August 04, 1996, but I’m sure Rod would love to hear from you! “I love Email! I will send you a reply!”
JUDY KUSTER’S FUN HOME PAGE is another example of a fun page. It has got butterflies on it She says:
“I am an associate professor with Department of Communication Disorders at Mankato State University. The following links represent a variety of personal interests.”
The foremost link titled “Help!! Can anyone tell me what this is????”* leads to a page with some images of something that looks a bit like a rock. Judy asks:
“What is this?? This object was picked up on Myrtle Beach in South Carolina. It appears to be stone. If you have any ideas, please email me!”
From the page of possible answers, Uncle Tweeds favourite is:
“DE wrote - I am a speech/language therapist from Malheur County in Eastern Oregon. I often go to our coast and have found similarly shaped stones. I think they are a kind of fossil and have found some with parts of shells still in them. The indentation in the upper curve looks just like one that I carry in my pocket. I rub in when I am under stress and it seems to have a calming effect. > It makes me think of days at the beach.”